Welcome to The Morning Claret!

I’m Simon J Woolf, and I’ve been writing about wine since 2011, in magazines, books, on and offline. I focus on natural wine, and related themes such as organics, biodynamics, minimal intervention and orange wine. Not only are these fascinating and frequently divisive topics, they’re also deeply held passions of mine and they represent the kind of wines I want to drink.

Expect critical writing with a journalistic intent. I look for the story behind the wine, because it interests me more than tasting notes or technical details. I focus on on the lesser known parts of the wine world, including central and eastern Europe, Georgia and beyond. Austria, Slovenia and Portugal all have a special place in my heart.

My first book Amber Revolution - How the World Learned to Love Orange Wine has become the go-to guide on this hyped wine category since the 1st edition was published in 2018. Foot Trodden - Portugal and the Wines that Time Forgot was published in 2021, and co-written with Ryan Opaz. Both books were New York Times wine books of the year, and Foot Trodden was shortlisted for a James Beard award.

So you’re wondering, why ‘The Morning Claret’… There’s no good reason beyond some twisted British humour and a closet love for Bordeaux.

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Critical analysis and independent opinion on natural wine, delivered to your inbox weekly


Opinionated writing about natural, organic, biodynamic and orange wine. Usually with a bit of dry humour thrown in. Books: Amber Revolution, Foot Trodden (James Beard shortlisted, with Ryan Opaz) Brit living in Amsterdam.
Hey, my name is Hannah and my wine project is called ABRACADABRA. Sign up here to receive my (fan)mail to buy limited releases and the bits and bobs I sell direct.